Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Juice Head

I am proud to say we are a bunch juice heads. Thank you to my brother in law for suggesting the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. It' a great little documentary that shows you how beneficial a juicer can be. Ok the movie is so much more than that. An Australian come to America and begins a journey eating only fruit and vegetable juices for 60 days in hopes of getting off his prescription medication and achieve a balanced lifestyle. Its motivational, emotional and a great feel good movie. Better yet, I immediately went out and bought his juicer. Granted I have no desire to do a drastic juice cleanse at the moment, even though my liver is probably in need of one. But I've been supplementing a meal a day with a big huge glass (or more) of juice. It's the ultimate energy drink to have before a run!
The possibilities are endless!! Carrots, kale, spinach, beets, bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, grapefruits, pears, apples, lemon, kiwi, ginger to name a few. I haven't tried a bad combination yet. And my kids are such suckers! Here Annie and Nichol, do you want juice? You do? Little do you know it has about 4 vegetables and 4 fruits alone in that one glass!! HAH!! Point for me...

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